2015 Bristol International Festival of Cinematography, September 15th - 18 2015
Opening Panel - State of the Art Nick Knowland BSC, Roberto Schaefer AIC, ASC, Nigel Walters then President of IMAGO, Vice President of the BSC, Geoff Boyle FKBS Roberto Schaefer AIC, ASC, Lighting Masterclass Nick Knowland BSC - Lighting Masterclass |
Dave Alex Riddet - Aardman Tabletop Lighting Masterclass Women In Cinematography |
Billy WIlliams BSC, OBE in conversation with Roberto Schaefer AIC, ASC Geoff Boyle - Lighting Faces Masteclass |
Celluloid Panel - the perennial conversation - film or data cinematography Geoff Boyle, Post/Data Masterclass |
Early Careers Panel The Paperboy Caroline Eselin-Schaefer and Roberto Schaefer AIC, ASC in Conversation Costume and Cinematography Geoff Boyle - Masterclass, High Quality Lighting on a Budget End Panel A group of cinematographers discuss their influences Ula Pontikos BSC, Nick Knowland BSC, Roberto Schaefer AIC, ASC, Geoff Boyle FKBS |
Publishers note: the Motion Picture companies or their agents have caused Youtube/Google to prevent the playing back of the following videos - even though the material they are blocking is the product of the people's labour who are being interviewed or demonstrating the skills they used in the production of these movies.
We apologise for any inconvenience and are taking this up with the proper authorities.
We apologise for any inconvenience and are taking this up with the proper authorities.
Otto Bathurst and Roberto Schaefer AIC, ASC in Conversation |