INQUIRY INTO THE Relationship between the TECHNIQUES OF ACQUIRING A MOVING IMAGE and the Developing AESTHETICS of the artist in their time
We are setting up a research inquiry into the waves of adoption of the capture and display of the moving image. This will investigate the waves of technology from photochemical film, video then digital technologies and we will examine how the constraints and benefits of each medium helped decide which kind of artist to adopt the then current capture and display technologies and how this then affected the developing aesthetics of the time. Our research context is the photochemical, it's aesthetics, theory and technical parameters. Our historical analysis will consider the adoption of video in the late 1960's and then primarily work from the 1980's. Our investigation of the developments that succeeded the early works will then proceed to examine how moving image caprute and display technologies affected the aesthetics artists employed with each succeeding wave of technology through convergence and to the present day with Digital integration.
Channel 4 five programme Series
On Video: Part Three 90 mins Production Company: Triple Vision Director: Terry Flaxton Producer: Penny Dedman |
Channel 4 five programme Series
On Video 4 :TV Or Not TV Production Company: Triple Vision Director: Terry Flaxton Producer: Penny Dedman |
Channel 4 five programme Series
On Video 5: Statement of the Art Production Company: Triple Vision Director: Terry Flaxton Producer: Penny Dedman |
ITV Arts Strand programme
In the Belly of the Beast 30 mins Production Company: Granada Director: Terry Flaxton Producer: Zanna Northern |