I am a senior lecturer in Film Studies who specialises in British cinema and TV, film histories and history on film, and women and film. All my teaching and research is informed by my graduate training in the politics of gender at Lancaster's internationally renowned Centre for Women's Studies; whilst being inflected through a British Academy post-doctoral fellowship with CIRCL (Centre for International Research: Childhood, Culture, Literature) at Reading University. I am supervising PhD candidates working on British biopics; children's castaway fiction; and Japanese photography of children.
I joined UWE in 2002 with a remit to work across Film and Cultural Studies, and was part of the team that developed the Film Studies programme. I am currently the Widening Particpation Co-ordinator for the Department of Arts and have previously taken the role of Assocaite Head of Department.
I am a founder member of the AHRC funded WAM (Women Ageing and Media) research network, I am also an expert advisor to ENAS (European Network of Aging Studies) and NANAS (North American Network of Aging Studies) and have been at the forefront of establishing Aging Studies within the academic community.
I am a founding member of WAM (Women Ageing and Media) an expert advisor to ENAS European Network of Ageing Studies; and to NANAS (North American Network of Aging Studies). In various ways each of these networks has a an interest in moving image.
Area of expertiseBritish Cinema is one of my research interests and I have collaborated with Andrew Spicer on a study of neglected director Anthony Simmons, and take an especial interest in the star, Anna Neagle. My main area of research and publication is film and ageing. I am co-editor (with Estella Tincknell) of Aging Feminities: Troubling Representations. In 2013 we also contributed to Labour's committee on Older Women in Public Life, whilst our evidence to Labour's Commission on Older Women in the Media was cited in its interim report. http://www.yourbritain.org.uk/agenda-2015/policy-review/commission-on-older-women, My Publications
I joined UWE in 2002 with a remit to work across Film and Cultural Studies, and was part of the team that developed the Film Studies programme. I am currently the Widening Particpation Co-ordinator for the Department of Arts and have previously taken the role of Assocaite Head of Department.
I am a founder member of the AHRC funded WAM (Women Ageing and Media) research network, I am also an expert advisor to ENAS (European Network of Aging Studies) and NANAS (North American Network of Aging Studies) and have been at the forefront of establishing Aging Studies within the academic community.
I am a founding member of WAM (Women Ageing and Media) an expert advisor to ENAS European Network of Ageing Studies; and to NANAS (North American Network of Aging Studies). In various ways each of these networks has a an interest in moving image.
Area of expertiseBritish Cinema is one of my research interests and I have collaborated with Andrew Spicer on a study of neglected director Anthony Simmons, and take an especial interest in the star, Anna Neagle. My main area of research and publication is film and ageing. I am co-editor (with Estella Tincknell) of Aging Feminities: Troubling Representations. In 2013 we also contributed to Labour's committee on Older Women in Public Life, whilst our evidence to Labour's Commission on Older Women in the Media was cited in its interim report. http://www.yourbritain.org.uk/agenda-2015/policy-review/commission-on-older-women, My Publications
- Dolan, J. (2013) Smoothing the wrinkles: Hollywood, “successful aging” and the new visibility of older female stars. In: Carter, C., Steiner, L. and McClaughlin , L., eds. (2013) The Routledge Companion to Media and Gender. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 352-363. ISBN 9780415527699 [In Press]
- Dolan, J. (2013) Firm and hard: Popular culture, gendered stardom and the troubling embodiment of “successful aging”. In: Prieto-Arranz, José I., ed. (2013) De-Centring Cultural Studies: Past, Present and Future of Popular Culture. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 217-246. ISBN 978-1-4438-4476-5
- Dolan, J. and Tincknell, E. (2013) Representing older women in the media: The key issues. Other. Labour Party, House of Commons.
- Dolan, J. and Tincknell, E. (2012) Aging femininities: Troubling representations. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press. ISBN 978-1-4438-3883-2
- Dolan, J. (2012) ‘Stuff it’: Respectability and the voice of resistance in letter to Brezhnev.Journal of British Cinema and Television, 9 (2). pp. 247-261. ISSN 1743-4521
- Dolan, J. (2012) 'It isn’t going to be like this, is it?': A celebration of age festival: Class, race and dis-identification. In: Dolan, J. and Tincknell, E., eds. (2012) Aging Femininities: Troubling Representations. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 69-82. ISBN 9781443838832
- Dolan, J. (2012) 'The queen', aging femininity and the recuperation of the monarchy.Ageing Studies in Europe, 2 (1). pp. 39-52.
- Dolan, J. (2010) Keynote conference presentation. ‘Firm and Hard: Old age, the “youthful” body and essentialist discourses’. In: IV SELICUP Conference: Past, Present and Future of Popular Culture: Spaces and Contexts , Palma, Spain, October, 2010. Palma, Spain: UIB
- Dolan, J. and Spicer, A. (2010) On the margins: Anthony Simmons, 'The Optimists of Nine Elms' and 'Black Joy'. In: Newland, P., ed. (2010) Don't Look Now: British Cinema in the 1970s. Bristol: Intellect, pp. 79-91. ISBN 9781841503202
- Dolan, J. (2010) The Queen, aging femininity and the recuperation of the monarchy. In: Swinnen, A. and Stotesbury, J., eds. (2010) Ageing, Perfomance and Stardom: Doing Age on the Stage of Consumerist Culture. LIT Verlag. ISBN 9783643501875
- Dolan, J. (2009) Embodied reality: Contemporary biopics and the inflections of stardom. In: IMAGEing reality: Representing the Real in Film, Television and New Media, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, 22-24 October 2009.
- Dolan, J., Gordon, S. and Tincknell, E. (2009) The "postfeminist" biopic: Re-telling the past in The Hours, Sylvia and Iris. In: Carroll, R., ed. (2009) Textual Infidelities: Adaptations in Print and Visual Cultures. Continuum. ISBN 978-0826424648
- Dolan, J. and Street, S. (2009) 20 million people can't be wrong: Anna Neagle and popular British stardom. In: Bell, M. and Williams, M., eds. (2009) British Women's Cinema. Routledge, pp. 34-48. ISBN 978-0415466967
- Dolan, J. (2009) Comic-book adaptation. In: Framing Film: Cinema and the Visual Arts, University of Winchester, 6 September 2009.
- Dolan, J. (2009) A(cute) animation: Miss Potter and the creative subject. In: Framing Films Conference, University of Winchester, 4-6 September 2009.
- Dolan, J. and Spicer, A. (2009) On the margins: Anthony Simmons, the optimists of Nine Elms and Black Joy. In: Newland, P., ed. (2009) Don't Look Now: British Cinema in the 1970s. Bristol UK: Intellect, pp. 70-92. ISBN 9781841503202
- Dolan, J. (2008) "It's not going to be like this is it?": Celebrating age festival 2008. In: Crossing Cultures: Woman, Aging and Media AHRC International Conference, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, UK, 5 December 2008.
- Dolan, J., Jenning, R., Garde Hansen, J., Gorton, K., Wilson, S. and Tincknell, E. (2008) Women, ageing and media workshops. In: AHRC funded Research Networks and Workshops: Women, Ageing and Media, http://insight.glos.ac.uk/researchmainpage/centres/wam/Pages/AHRCfundedResearchNetworksandWorkshopsProject.aspx, 2008.
- Dolan, J. (2008) Visibility/ invisibility. In: Women, Ageing and Media AHRC Research Network, St Matthias Campus, UWE, Bristol, 10 September 2008.
- Dolan, J. and Spicer, A. (2008) The Outsider: Anthony Simmons.Journal of British Cinema and Television. ISSN 1743-4521
- Dolan, J. (2007) Post-war Englishness: Maytime in Mayfair, utopian visions and consumer culture. In: Hart Kingswinford, C., ed. (2007) Approaches to Englishness: Differences, Diversity and Identities. Midrash Publishing, pp. 45-53. ISBN 9780955124419
- Dolan, J. (2004) Aunties and uncles: The BBC's Children's Hour and liminal concerns in the 1920's.The Historical Journal of Film and Radio and Television, 23 (4). pp. 329-339. ISSN 0143-9685
- Dolan, J. (2003) The voice that cannot be heard: Radio/broadcasting and "the archive".The Radio Journal International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media, 1 (1). pp. 63-72. ISSN 14764504
- Dolan, J. (2002) Anchorage and play in Frenchman's Creek: Children, gender and national identity.The Yearbook of English Studies, 32. pp. 95-109. ISSN 0306-2473