Leon Gurevitch is Director of Programme, Royal Society Research Scholar and Senior Lecturer of computer-generated culture at the University of Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand. He has published widely and is an associate editor of Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal. His research focuses on software culture, new media, design, science and technology. His current research project is a major three-year study of visual effects industries and the migration patterns of code and coders.
Research Interests Areas of convergence between art and science, design and technology, collaborative and cross-disciplinary projects with a focus on Digital Simulation and Imaging Industries.
Current Research Projects Leon currently holds a Marsden Faststart research grant (New Zealand Royal Society) for a three-year project to study digital image industry work cultures and global skills migration.
Journal Articles
Gurevitch, L. (2014 In Review). The Transforming Face of Industrial Spectacle: Or, the Political Economy of Machinic Mobility, Senses of Cinema Journal, Online Journal AFI/RMIT, Melbourne.
Gurevitch, L. (2014 In Review). Empirical Wonders: The Archaeology of Industrial Visual Effects from Crystal to Code, The Journal of Visual Culture, Sage, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2014 In Review). From Edison to Pixar: Aesthetics of Astonishment in the Attention Economy from Celluloid to CG, Continuum Journal, Routledge, Melbourne, Australia.
Gurevitch, L. (2014). Google Warming: Google Earth as Eco-Machinima, Convergence Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 1, Sage Publications, London. doi: 10.1177/1354856513516266
Gurevitch, L. (2013). The Digital Globe as Climatic Coming Attraction: From Theatrical Release to Theatre of War, Canadian Journal of Communication, Vol. 38, Issue 3, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 333-356.
Gurevitch & Ross (2013). Stereoscopic Media beyond Booms and Busts, Public Journal, Spring 2013, 24 (47), York University, Canada, 83-93, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1386/ public.24.47.83_1
Gurevitch, L. (2013). The Stereoscopic Attraction: 3D Imaging and the Spectacular Paradigm 1850 – 2013, Convergence Journal, Vol. 19, Issue 4, Sage, UK, 396-405, doi: 10.1177/1354856513494175.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). The Advertising Director as Coming Attraction: Television Advertising as Business Card in the Age of Digital Distribution, Frames Journal, The University of St Andrews, UK, available at: http://framescinemajournal.com
Gurevitch, L. (2012). The Birth of a Stereoscopic Nation: Hollywood, Digital Empire and the Cybernetic Attraction, Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Sage, UK. 7 (3), 239 – 258, doi: 10.1177/1746847712456255.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). Computer Generated Animation as Product Design Engineered Culture or Buzz Lightyear to the Sales Floor: To the Checkout and Beyond!, Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Sage, UK, 7 (2), 131 – 149, doi: 10.1177/1746847712438133.
Gurevitch, L. (2011). Hudong dianying: shuzi xiyinli shidai de yingxiangshu he youxi xiaoying (The Cinemas of Interactions: Cinematics and the ‘Game Effect’ in the Age of Digital Attractions), Chinese Translation in Dianying yishu (Film Art) Journal, September, Volume 4.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). The Cinemas of Transactions: The exchangeable currency of GC attractions across audiovisual economies, Journal of Television and New Media, Sage Publications, New York, 11 (5), 367-385.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). 100% Pure Imperial Ecology: Marketing the Environment in Antipodean Film and Advertising, In New Zealand Journal of Media Studies, Wellington, December, Vol. 12 (1).
Gurevitch, L. (2010). The Cinemas of Interactions: Cinematics and the ‘Game Effect’ in the Age of Digital Attractions, in Senses of Cinema Journal, Online Journal AFI/RMIT, Melbourne, December, Issue 57.
Gurevitch, L. (2009). Problematic Dichotomies: Narrative and Spectacle in Film and Advertising Scholarship, Journal of Popular Narrative Media, Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, Vol. 2 (2), 143-158.
Book Chapters
Gurevitch, L. (2014 Forthcoming) Seeing Red, Turning Green, Making Blue: The Socially Networked Political Economy of the Visual Effects Industry, Production Cultures Volume II, Routledge.
Gurevitch, L. (2014 Forthcoming) Cinema Designed: Visual Effects Software and the Emergence of the CAD Principle, Post Cinema: Theorising 21st Century Film, REFRAME open access platform.
Gurevitch, L. (2014 Forthcoming) The Straw that Broke the Tiger’s Back? Skilled Labour, Social Networks and Protest in the Digital Workshops of the World, Routledge Companion to Labour and Media, Routledge.
Gurevitch, L. (2014 Forthcoming) Mediating Climate Change and the Role of the Digital Earth, In The International Handbook of Human Geography, by Julie Cupples, and Susan Mains (Eds), Springer Press.
Gurevitch & Ross (2013). Stereoscopic Media beyond Booms and Busts, In 3D Cinema and Beyond, Chicago University Press, Chicago.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). Cinema, Video, Game: Astonishing Aesthetics and the Cinematic ‘Future’ of Computer Graphic’s Past, Cinematicity: Expanding the Filmic, by Jeffrey Geiger and Karin Littau (Eds.), Edinburgh University Press.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). The Cinemas of Interactions: Cinematics and the ‘Game Effect’ in the Age of Digital Attractions, Chinese Translation, In New Media and Cultural Transformation, by Shaoyi Sun (Ed). Shanghai: Shanghai Joint Press.
Reviews, Encyclopaedias, Newspaper Articles Blogs and Other
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘The Horror Sensorium’, Book Review, in Senses of Cinema Journal, Online Journal AFI/RMIT, Melbourne, December, Issue 69.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘Virtual finally Reality? The Media Archaeologies of Immersive 3D and the Oculus Rift’, Research Provocation, published in Stereoscopic Media, available at: www.stereoscopicmedia.org
Gurevitch, L. (2012). ‘Energy and Computers’, Encyclopaedia Entry: The Encyclopaedia of Energy and Society, Salem Press, New York.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). ‘Energy and War’, Encyclopaedia Entry: The Encyclopaedia of Energy and Society, Salem Press, New York.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). ‘What is 3D Media? Research Provocation’, published in Stereoscopic Media, available at: www.stereoscopicmedia.org
Gurevitch, L. and Simcock, A. (2006). From Silver Screens to Liquid Crystals: Screen Studies Conference Report, Scope: An Online Journal of Film and TV Studies, Institute of Film and TV Studies, University of Nottingham.
Invited Keynotes
Gurevitch, L. (2013). Closing Keynote, ‘3D Printing Business Innovation or Design Hype?’, Presented at The Business Development Analysis Day, November 21st, Te Papa National Museum of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). Closing Keynote, ‘The Politics of the Digital Earth’, Presented at New Media and Cultural Transformation: Film, TV, Game, and Digital Communication Conference, on 10th – 11th December, NYU Shanghai, China.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). Closing Keynote, ‘Communicating Energy Reduction Strategies’, Presented at The Science Communication Association of Australia and New Zealand, February 28th, Te Papa National Museum of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘‘Digital Workshops of the World: The Transactional Cultures of Images and Skills in the VFX Industries’, Presented at the Magic of Special Effects Conference, on 5th - 10th November, Montreal, Canada.
Gurevitch, L. (2013) ‘Black Mirrors Past and Present: 3D interaction and the rise of the "parallax" image: ’, Presented at: Immersive Pasts and Futures Conference, on 30th October – 1st November, The National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘Transformers, Adverts in Disguise: The Industrial Object as Spectacular Commodity’, Presented at the London Conference, on 27th – 30th June, London, UK.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘The Digital Globe and Climatic Coming Attractions: From Theatrical Release to Theatre of War’, Presented at ICA Conference, on 18th – 21st June, London, UK.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘The Resolution will not be Televised: Resolution, Realism and Astonishing Imaging 1500 – 2000’, Presented at ISEA Conference, on 11th – 16th June, Sydney, Australia.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘Cinema, Video, Game: Astonishing Aesthetics and the Cinematic ‘Future’ of Computer Graphic’s Past’, Presented at SCMS Conference, on 5th – 9th March, Chicago, US.
Easterly & Gurevitch (2013) Working with Weta: Progressing research in Industry and Academia, Design Principles and Practices, Chiba University, Tokyo, Japan.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). ‘Digital Workshops of the World: Negotiating Value, Negotiating Rights’, Crossroads Cultural Studies Conference, on 2nd – 6th July, Paris, France.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). ‘The Stereoscopic Attraction: Handheld 3D Imaging and the Spectacular Paradigm 1850 - 2011’, Submitted to SCMS Conference, on 21st – 25th March, Boston, United States.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). ‘Early Stereoscopic Media as Spectacular Attraction’, 3D Storytelling Conference, on 22nd March, Ravensbourne College, London, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2011). ‘The Documentary Attraction: Animation, Simulation and the Rhetoric of Expertise’, Presented at Animated Realities Conference, on 23rd – 24th June, Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland.
Gurevitch, L. (2011). ‘From Baraka to Barack: From Global Warming to Cold War, The rise and Fall of Spectacular Environmental Rhetoric in American Popular Culture’, Presented at 10th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference (NESS), on 14th – 16st June, Stockholm University, Sweden.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘Google Warming: Environmental Panoptical Regimes and the Machinima of the Visible’, Presented at Crossroads Cultural Studies Conference, on 16th – 21st June, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
Gurevitch, L. (2008). Designing Safe Living after Peak Oil: Oil Majors, Advertisers and Imaged Futures. Presented at The Institute for Advanced Studies International Conference, on 10th – 12th July 2008, University of Lancaster, England.
Gurevitch, L. (2006). The Mobility of Professional Skills in the Audiovisual Industries: The Exchangeable Currency of CGI in Film and Advertising. Presented at Institute for Advanced Studies International Conference, on 31st August to 2nd September 2006, University of Lancaster, England.
Gurevitch, L. (2006). It’s Not the Resolution, It’s What You Do With it: The Electronic Image and Movie Aesthetics beyond Film. Presented at Screen International Conference of Film Studies, on 30th of June to 2nd of July 2006, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
Gurevitch, L. (2006). Situating Computer Generated Attractions across Audiovisual Ecologies. Presented at Contexts, Fields, Positions: Situating Cultural Research Conference, on 25th – 26th of May 2006, University of East London, England.
Gurevitch, L. (2005). Product Placement or Brand Casting? Rethinking Commercial Placement in Contemporary Hollywood film. Presented at Screen International Conference of Film Studies, 1st – 3rd of July 2005, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
Gurevitch, L. (2005). Mini Adventures or Feature Ads? The Effect of Feature Films on Advertising Form. Presented at Cinema and Technology International Conference, 4th – 6th of April 2005, Lancaster University, England.
Gurevitch, L. (2004). Buzz Lightyear to the Salesfloor, To the Checkout and Beyond! The Role of Consumer Socialisation in CGI Animation. Presented at Screen International Conference of Film Studies, 2nd - 4th of July 2004, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
Invited Papers
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘Google Warming: Google Earth and Ecological Machinima’, Presented at Ottawa University Media Studies Seminar Series, November 15th, University of Ottawa, Canada.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). Energy Futures and Ecological Design, Presented at UNICEF New Zealand Young Futures Seminar Series, April 28th, Wellington, New Zealand.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘Google Warming: Scopic Regimes and Eco-Media’, Presented at Glasgow University Media Studies Seminar Series, May 28th, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘Energy and Audiovisual Culture’, Presented at UCL Department of Energy Research Seminar Series, May 25th, University College London, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘Google Warming Scopic Regimes and Eco-Media’, Presented at University of Westminster Sociology Seminar Series, May 24th, Westminster University, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘The Cinemas of Transactions: The Exchangeable Currency of the Digital Effect’, Presented at University of Nottingham Film and Television Seminar Series, May 19th, Nottingham University, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘Google Warming Scopic Regimes and Eco-Media’, Presented at Middlesborough Sociology Talk Series, May 7th, Middlesborough University, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘Google Warming Scopic Regimes and Eco-Media’, Presented at Lancaster University Sociology Series, May 4th, Lancaster University, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘The Cinemas of Transactions: The Exchangeable Currency of the Digital Effect’, Presented at Film Symposium, February 11th, Victoria University, New Zealand.
Gurevitch, L. (2009). ‘The Potential of Live Public Video Conference’, Broadcast Live to Northbridge Piazza, Perth City Centre, Perth Media Centre Public Seminar, October 29th, 2009, from Victoria University, New Zealand.
Gurevitch, L. (2009). ‘The Cinemas of Transactions: The Exchangeable Currency of the Digital Effect’, Presented at Media Studies Seminar Series, April, 2009, Victoria University, New Zealand.
Gurevitch, L. (2008). ‘“Hidden” and the Cultures of Safety’, Presented at Institute for Advanced Studies Film Series: Cultures of Safety, 15th of Apr, 2008, The Dukes Theatre, Lancaster, England.
Gurevitch, L. (2004). ‘Films as Ads or Ads as Films? Beyond Product Placement: The Reciprocal effects of Advertising form on Contemporary Hollywood film.’ Presented at Lancaster University Consumption Study Group, 18th of Feb, 2004, Lancaster University, England.
Gurevitch, L. (2003). Fight Club the Ad: Conspicuous Anti-Consumption as an Ad strategy in Film. Presented at Lancaster University Film Forum, 15th of Jan, 2003, Lancaster University, England.
Design Research Outputs
Gurevitch, L. (2013). Digital Workshops of the World Website, available at: www.digitalworkshopsoftheworld.com
Gurevitch & Elmers, (2013). The Digital Workshops of the World Animated Video, available on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/71235445
Gurevitch & Chan, (2011). Tring Energy Monitor, The US Department of Energy Solar Decathlon, The National Mall’s West Potomac Park, Washington D.C. Sept 13th - Oct 2nd, Web URL: www.tring.co.nz (Tring is an energy-monitoring iOS application developed the Apple iPad. Tring was designed to communicate the energy use of the house by engaging the user emotionally).
News media items featuring Tring energy monitor research:
Bell, S. (2011). Tring app measures hi-tech house power use: University-developed application gauges domestic energy consumption. Computer World: The voice of the ICT community: http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/news/tring-app-measures-hi-tech-house-power-use
Carol, A. (2011). New Zealand takes first in engineering contest. Solar Decathlon Blog: http://www.solardecathlon.gov/blog/archives/1852
Castle, S. (2011). Slideshow: Solar Decathlon homes show super-efficient future tech. Electronic House:
Castle, S. (2011). Efficient Homes of the Near Future. Green Tech Advocates: Educational and marketing resource for selling green and energy-efficient technologies: http://greentechadvocates.com/2011/10/06/efficient-homes-of-the-near-future
Coen, A. (2011). New Zealand’s First Light Solar Decathlon house puts innovative twist on the basics. Inhabitat: Design will save the world:
Design Daily Team. (2011). First Light team comes out tops in engineering contest of Solar Decathlon competition. Idealog: In the ideas business: http://www.idealog.co.nz/blog/2011/09/first-light-team-comes-out-tops-engineering-contes
Design Daily Team. (2011). Fist pumping abounds as Kiwi solar bach design nets third place at prestigious Solar Decathlon competition. Idealog: In the ideas business: http://www.idealog.co.nz/blog/2011/10/kiwi-solar-bach-design-nets-third-place-prestigiou
Design Daily Team. (2011). Third place out of 19 teams, not too shabby at all. Idealog: In the ideas business: http://www.idealog.co.nz/blog/2011/10/third-place-out-19-teams-not-too-shabby-all
Flagler, B. (2011). The Green Building Contest. NZ Life and Leisure, Issue 39: http://www.nzlifeandleisure.co.nz/green-building
Johnson, B. (2011). New Zealand wins engineering contest at Solar Decathlon. Think Progress: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2011/09/30/332919/newzealand-wins-engineering-contest-at-solar-decathlon
Technology Education New Zealand. (2012). Tring – A new way to communicate energy use. T-News, Issue 54: http://www.tenz.org.nz/t- news/t-news-54-mar-2012.pdf
Websites www.dr.leon.gurevitch.com
Research Interests Areas of convergence between art and science, design and technology, collaborative and cross-disciplinary projects with a focus on Digital Simulation and Imaging Industries.
- Design Sociology
- Software Studies
- History and Theory of Computer Graphics
- Digital Image Industries
- Energy Futures and Sustainable Design
- Film and Media Studies
- Science, Technology and Visual Culture
- Design, Advertising and Consumer Culture.
Current Research Projects Leon currently holds a Marsden Faststart research grant (New Zealand Royal Society) for a three-year project to study digital image industry work cultures and global skills migration.
Journal Articles
Gurevitch, L. (2014 In Review). The Transforming Face of Industrial Spectacle: Or, the Political Economy of Machinic Mobility, Senses of Cinema Journal, Online Journal AFI/RMIT, Melbourne.
Gurevitch, L. (2014 In Review). Empirical Wonders: The Archaeology of Industrial Visual Effects from Crystal to Code, The Journal of Visual Culture, Sage, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2014 In Review). From Edison to Pixar: Aesthetics of Astonishment in the Attention Economy from Celluloid to CG, Continuum Journal, Routledge, Melbourne, Australia.
Gurevitch, L. (2014). Google Warming: Google Earth as Eco-Machinima, Convergence Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 1, Sage Publications, London. doi: 10.1177/1354856513516266
Gurevitch, L. (2013). The Digital Globe as Climatic Coming Attraction: From Theatrical Release to Theatre of War, Canadian Journal of Communication, Vol. 38, Issue 3, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 333-356.
Gurevitch & Ross (2013). Stereoscopic Media beyond Booms and Busts, Public Journal, Spring 2013, 24 (47), York University, Canada, 83-93, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1386/ public.24.47.83_1
Gurevitch, L. (2013). The Stereoscopic Attraction: 3D Imaging and the Spectacular Paradigm 1850 – 2013, Convergence Journal, Vol. 19, Issue 4, Sage, UK, 396-405, doi: 10.1177/1354856513494175.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). The Advertising Director as Coming Attraction: Television Advertising as Business Card in the Age of Digital Distribution, Frames Journal, The University of St Andrews, UK, available at: http://framescinemajournal.com
Gurevitch, L. (2012). The Birth of a Stereoscopic Nation: Hollywood, Digital Empire and the Cybernetic Attraction, Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Sage, UK. 7 (3), 239 – 258, doi: 10.1177/1746847712456255.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). Computer Generated Animation as Product Design Engineered Culture or Buzz Lightyear to the Sales Floor: To the Checkout and Beyond!, Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Sage, UK, 7 (2), 131 – 149, doi: 10.1177/1746847712438133.
Gurevitch, L. (2011). Hudong dianying: shuzi xiyinli shidai de yingxiangshu he youxi xiaoying (The Cinemas of Interactions: Cinematics and the ‘Game Effect’ in the Age of Digital Attractions), Chinese Translation in Dianying yishu (Film Art) Journal, September, Volume 4.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). The Cinemas of Transactions: The exchangeable currency of GC attractions across audiovisual economies, Journal of Television and New Media, Sage Publications, New York, 11 (5), 367-385.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). 100% Pure Imperial Ecology: Marketing the Environment in Antipodean Film and Advertising, In New Zealand Journal of Media Studies, Wellington, December, Vol. 12 (1).
Gurevitch, L. (2010). The Cinemas of Interactions: Cinematics and the ‘Game Effect’ in the Age of Digital Attractions, in Senses of Cinema Journal, Online Journal AFI/RMIT, Melbourne, December, Issue 57.
Gurevitch, L. (2009). Problematic Dichotomies: Narrative and Spectacle in Film and Advertising Scholarship, Journal of Popular Narrative Media, Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, Vol. 2 (2), 143-158.
Book Chapters
Gurevitch, L. (2014 Forthcoming) Seeing Red, Turning Green, Making Blue: The Socially Networked Political Economy of the Visual Effects Industry, Production Cultures Volume II, Routledge.
Gurevitch, L. (2014 Forthcoming) Cinema Designed: Visual Effects Software and the Emergence of the CAD Principle, Post Cinema: Theorising 21st Century Film, REFRAME open access platform.
Gurevitch, L. (2014 Forthcoming) The Straw that Broke the Tiger’s Back? Skilled Labour, Social Networks and Protest in the Digital Workshops of the World, Routledge Companion to Labour and Media, Routledge.
Gurevitch, L. (2014 Forthcoming) Mediating Climate Change and the Role of the Digital Earth, In The International Handbook of Human Geography, by Julie Cupples, and Susan Mains (Eds), Springer Press.
Gurevitch & Ross (2013). Stereoscopic Media beyond Booms and Busts, In 3D Cinema and Beyond, Chicago University Press, Chicago.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). Cinema, Video, Game: Astonishing Aesthetics and the Cinematic ‘Future’ of Computer Graphic’s Past, Cinematicity: Expanding the Filmic, by Jeffrey Geiger and Karin Littau (Eds.), Edinburgh University Press.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). The Cinemas of Interactions: Cinematics and the ‘Game Effect’ in the Age of Digital Attractions, Chinese Translation, In New Media and Cultural Transformation, by Shaoyi Sun (Ed). Shanghai: Shanghai Joint Press.
Reviews, Encyclopaedias, Newspaper Articles Blogs and Other
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘The Horror Sensorium’, Book Review, in Senses of Cinema Journal, Online Journal AFI/RMIT, Melbourne, December, Issue 69.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘Virtual finally Reality? The Media Archaeologies of Immersive 3D and the Oculus Rift’, Research Provocation, published in Stereoscopic Media, available at: www.stereoscopicmedia.org
Gurevitch, L. (2012). ‘Energy and Computers’, Encyclopaedia Entry: The Encyclopaedia of Energy and Society, Salem Press, New York.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). ‘Energy and War’, Encyclopaedia Entry: The Encyclopaedia of Energy and Society, Salem Press, New York.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). ‘What is 3D Media? Research Provocation’, published in Stereoscopic Media, available at: www.stereoscopicmedia.org
Gurevitch, L. and Simcock, A. (2006). From Silver Screens to Liquid Crystals: Screen Studies Conference Report, Scope: An Online Journal of Film and TV Studies, Institute of Film and TV Studies, University of Nottingham.
Invited Keynotes
Gurevitch, L. (2013). Closing Keynote, ‘3D Printing Business Innovation or Design Hype?’, Presented at The Business Development Analysis Day, November 21st, Te Papa National Museum of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). Closing Keynote, ‘The Politics of the Digital Earth’, Presented at New Media and Cultural Transformation: Film, TV, Game, and Digital Communication Conference, on 10th – 11th December, NYU Shanghai, China.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). Closing Keynote, ‘Communicating Energy Reduction Strategies’, Presented at The Science Communication Association of Australia and New Zealand, February 28th, Te Papa National Museum of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘‘Digital Workshops of the World: The Transactional Cultures of Images and Skills in the VFX Industries’, Presented at the Magic of Special Effects Conference, on 5th - 10th November, Montreal, Canada.
Gurevitch, L. (2013) ‘Black Mirrors Past and Present: 3D interaction and the rise of the "parallax" image: ’, Presented at: Immersive Pasts and Futures Conference, on 30th October – 1st November, The National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘Transformers, Adverts in Disguise: The Industrial Object as Spectacular Commodity’, Presented at the London Conference, on 27th – 30th June, London, UK.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘The Digital Globe and Climatic Coming Attractions: From Theatrical Release to Theatre of War’, Presented at ICA Conference, on 18th – 21st June, London, UK.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘The Resolution will not be Televised: Resolution, Realism and Astonishing Imaging 1500 – 2000’, Presented at ISEA Conference, on 11th – 16th June, Sydney, Australia.
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘Cinema, Video, Game: Astonishing Aesthetics and the Cinematic ‘Future’ of Computer Graphic’s Past’, Presented at SCMS Conference, on 5th – 9th March, Chicago, US.
Easterly & Gurevitch (2013) Working with Weta: Progressing research in Industry and Academia, Design Principles and Practices, Chiba University, Tokyo, Japan.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). ‘Digital Workshops of the World: Negotiating Value, Negotiating Rights’, Crossroads Cultural Studies Conference, on 2nd – 6th July, Paris, France.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). ‘The Stereoscopic Attraction: Handheld 3D Imaging and the Spectacular Paradigm 1850 - 2011’, Submitted to SCMS Conference, on 21st – 25th March, Boston, United States.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). ‘Early Stereoscopic Media as Spectacular Attraction’, 3D Storytelling Conference, on 22nd March, Ravensbourne College, London, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2011). ‘The Documentary Attraction: Animation, Simulation and the Rhetoric of Expertise’, Presented at Animated Realities Conference, on 23rd – 24th June, Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland.
Gurevitch, L. (2011). ‘From Baraka to Barack: From Global Warming to Cold War, The rise and Fall of Spectacular Environmental Rhetoric in American Popular Culture’, Presented at 10th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference (NESS), on 14th – 16st June, Stockholm University, Sweden.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘Google Warming: Environmental Panoptical Regimes and the Machinima of the Visible’, Presented at Crossroads Cultural Studies Conference, on 16th – 21st June, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
Gurevitch, L. (2008). Designing Safe Living after Peak Oil: Oil Majors, Advertisers and Imaged Futures. Presented at The Institute for Advanced Studies International Conference, on 10th – 12th July 2008, University of Lancaster, England.
Gurevitch, L. (2006). The Mobility of Professional Skills in the Audiovisual Industries: The Exchangeable Currency of CGI in Film and Advertising. Presented at Institute for Advanced Studies International Conference, on 31st August to 2nd September 2006, University of Lancaster, England.
Gurevitch, L. (2006). It’s Not the Resolution, It’s What You Do With it: The Electronic Image and Movie Aesthetics beyond Film. Presented at Screen International Conference of Film Studies, on 30th of June to 2nd of July 2006, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
Gurevitch, L. (2006). Situating Computer Generated Attractions across Audiovisual Ecologies. Presented at Contexts, Fields, Positions: Situating Cultural Research Conference, on 25th – 26th of May 2006, University of East London, England.
Gurevitch, L. (2005). Product Placement or Brand Casting? Rethinking Commercial Placement in Contemporary Hollywood film. Presented at Screen International Conference of Film Studies, 1st – 3rd of July 2005, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
Gurevitch, L. (2005). Mini Adventures or Feature Ads? The Effect of Feature Films on Advertising Form. Presented at Cinema and Technology International Conference, 4th – 6th of April 2005, Lancaster University, England.
Gurevitch, L. (2004). Buzz Lightyear to the Salesfloor, To the Checkout and Beyond! The Role of Consumer Socialisation in CGI Animation. Presented at Screen International Conference of Film Studies, 2nd - 4th of July 2004, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
Invited Papers
Gurevitch, L. (2013). ‘Google Warming: Google Earth and Ecological Machinima’, Presented at Ottawa University Media Studies Seminar Series, November 15th, University of Ottawa, Canada.
Gurevitch, L. (2012). Energy Futures and Ecological Design, Presented at UNICEF New Zealand Young Futures Seminar Series, April 28th, Wellington, New Zealand.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘Google Warming: Scopic Regimes and Eco-Media’, Presented at Glasgow University Media Studies Seminar Series, May 28th, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘Energy and Audiovisual Culture’, Presented at UCL Department of Energy Research Seminar Series, May 25th, University College London, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘Google Warming Scopic Regimes and Eco-Media’, Presented at University of Westminster Sociology Seminar Series, May 24th, Westminster University, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘The Cinemas of Transactions: The Exchangeable Currency of the Digital Effect’, Presented at University of Nottingham Film and Television Seminar Series, May 19th, Nottingham University, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘Google Warming Scopic Regimes and Eco-Media’, Presented at Middlesborough Sociology Talk Series, May 7th, Middlesborough University, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘Google Warming Scopic Regimes and Eco-Media’, Presented at Lancaster University Sociology Series, May 4th, Lancaster University, United Kingdom.
Gurevitch, L. (2010). ‘The Cinemas of Transactions: The Exchangeable Currency of the Digital Effect’, Presented at Film Symposium, February 11th, Victoria University, New Zealand.
Gurevitch, L. (2009). ‘The Potential of Live Public Video Conference’, Broadcast Live to Northbridge Piazza, Perth City Centre, Perth Media Centre Public Seminar, October 29th, 2009, from Victoria University, New Zealand.
Gurevitch, L. (2009). ‘The Cinemas of Transactions: The Exchangeable Currency of the Digital Effect’, Presented at Media Studies Seminar Series, April, 2009, Victoria University, New Zealand.
Gurevitch, L. (2008). ‘“Hidden” and the Cultures of Safety’, Presented at Institute for Advanced Studies Film Series: Cultures of Safety, 15th of Apr, 2008, The Dukes Theatre, Lancaster, England.
Gurevitch, L. (2004). ‘Films as Ads or Ads as Films? Beyond Product Placement: The Reciprocal effects of Advertising form on Contemporary Hollywood film.’ Presented at Lancaster University Consumption Study Group, 18th of Feb, 2004, Lancaster University, England.
Gurevitch, L. (2003). Fight Club the Ad: Conspicuous Anti-Consumption as an Ad strategy in Film. Presented at Lancaster University Film Forum, 15th of Jan, 2003, Lancaster University, England.
Design Research Outputs
Gurevitch, L. (2013). Digital Workshops of the World Website, available at: www.digitalworkshopsoftheworld.com
Gurevitch & Elmers, (2013). The Digital Workshops of the World Animated Video, available on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/71235445
Gurevitch & Chan, (2011). Tring Energy Monitor, The US Department of Energy Solar Decathlon, The National Mall’s West Potomac Park, Washington D.C. Sept 13th - Oct 2nd, Web URL: www.tring.co.nz (Tring is an energy-monitoring iOS application developed the Apple iPad. Tring was designed to communicate the energy use of the house by engaging the user emotionally).
News media items featuring Tring energy monitor research:
Bell, S. (2011). Tring app measures hi-tech house power use: University-developed application gauges domestic energy consumption. Computer World: The voice of the ICT community: http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/news/tring-app-measures-hi-tech-house-power-use
Carol, A. (2011). New Zealand takes first in engineering contest. Solar Decathlon Blog: http://www.solardecathlon.gov/blog/archives/1852
Castle, S. (2011). Slideshow: Solar Decathlon homes show super-efficient future tech. Electronic House:
Castle, S. (2011). Efficient Homes of the Near Future. Green Tech Advocates: Educational and marketing resource for selling green and energy-efficient technologies: http://greentechadvocates.com/2011/10/06/efficient-homes-of-the-near-future
Coen, A. (2011). New Zealand’s First Light Solar Decathlon house puts innovative twist on the basics. Inhabitat: Design will save the world:
Design Daily Team. (2011). First Light team comes out tops in engineering contest of Solar Decathlon competition. Idealog: In the ideas business: http://www.idealog.co.nz/blog/2011/09/first-light-team-comes-out-tops-engineering-contes
Design Daily Team. (2011). Fist pumping abounds as Kiwi solar bach design nets third place at prestigious Solar Decathlon competition. Idealog: In the ideas business: http://www.idealog.co.nz/blog/2011/10/kiwi-solar-bach-design-nets-third-place-prestigiou
Design Daily Team. (2011). Third place out of 19 teams, not too shabby at all. Idealog: In the ideas business: http://www.idealog.co.nz/blog/2011/10/third-place-out-19-teams-not-too-shabby-all
Flagler, B. (2011). The Green Building Contest. NZ Life and Leisure, Issue 39: http://www.nzlifeandleisure.co.nz/green-building
Johnson, B. (2011). New Zealand wins engineering contest at Solar Decathlon. Think Progress: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2011/09/30/332919/newzealand-wins-engineering-contest-at-solar-decathlon
Technology Education New Zealand. (2012). Tring – A new way to communicate energy use. T-News, Issue 54: http://www.tenz.org.nz/t- news/t-news-54-mar-2012.pdf
Websites www.dr.leon.gurevitch.com