Dr Steve Presence
Steve is a Research Associate at CMIR. He has published on a range of topics, including political film culture, documentary, British cinema and the industrial production of film and television. He is the founder and co-director of the Bristol Radical Film Festival, convenor of the Radical Film Network (RFN) and Principal Investigator on the RFN’s first funded project, ‘Sustaining Alternative Film Cultures’, a two-year study funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Steve is also co-editor of the Journal of Media Practice’s ‘Screenworks’ project, a peer-reviewed platform for screen-based practice-as-research, and is part of the British work-package of ‘SiFTI’ (Success in the Film and Television Industries), a three-year European research partnership investigating production cultures in the film and television industries.
He has taught on a wide variety of undergraduate modules, including: British Film and TV Cultures; British National Cinemas; Currents in Film Theory; Dissertation; Film Cultures; Hollywood; Journalism and Public Communications and Protest, Policing and Public Order. |
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Reviews, reports and magazine articles:
Forthcoming: ‘The Cinema of Michael Winterbottom by Deborah Allison’ in Film International.
(2014) ‘The Radical Film Network’ in Three-D: The MeCCSA Magazine, Issue 21, Nov.
(2014) ‘The Lady’. Journal of American Studies of Turkey, Vol. 1, No. 34, Mar.
(2013): ‘Migration Documentary Films in Post-War Australia by Liangwen Kuo’ in WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society, Vol. 16, No. 4, Dec.
(2012). ‘Report: Bristol Radical Film Festival’. Film International [online]. Available from: http://filmint.nu/?p=4945 [accessed 12/06/2012].
With Matthew Robinson (2011). ‘British Radical Screens: Symposium Report’. Journal of British Cinema and Television [online]. 8 (1) pp. 133-36. Available from: http://www.euppublishing.com/doi/pdfplus/10.3366/jbctv.2011.0010 [accessed: 23/02/2011].
(2010). ‘Soul Power’. Film International [online]. 8 (6). Available from: http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/journals/view-Article,id=10526/. [accessed: 11/02/2010].
(2014) ‘The Radical Film Network’ in Three-D: The MeCCSA Magazine, Issue 21, Nov.
(2014) ‘The Lady’. Journal of American Studies of Turkey, Vol. 1, No. 34, Mar.
(2013): ‘Migration Documentary Films in Post-War Australia by Liangwen Kuo’ in WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society, Vol. 16, No. 4, Dec.
(2012). ‘Report: Bristol Radical Film Festival’. Film International [online]. Available from: http://filmint.nu/?p=4945 [accessed 12/06/2012].
With Matthew Robinson (2011). ‘British Radical Screens: Symposium Report’. Journal of British Cinema and Television [online]. 8 (1) pp. 133-36. Available from: http://www.euppublishing.com/doi/pdfplus/10.3366/jbctv.2011.0010 [accessed: 23/02/2011].
(2010). ‘Soul Power’. Film International [online]. 8 (6). Available from: http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/journals/view-Article,id=10526/. [accessed: 11/02/2010].
‘“Inward Industry Engagement”: Exploring Production Cultures in British Film and Television’, Challenging Media Landscapes Conference, MediaCityUK, Salford, Manchester, 16th November 2015.
Invited Speaker: '"One Screening Away From Disaster": Politics, Chaos and Commitment in the Radical Film Network’s Exhibition Sector', Screen Seminar, University of Glasgow, 15th October 2015.
'"The general public don’t need to know who we are. We’re building a profile for the industry as a whole’: Inward Engagement in the UK Film and Television Industries', Media Engagement Conference, Lund University, Sweden, 19th March 2015.
Invited Speaker: 'Can Indie Docs Change the World?', Goldsmiths Media Forum, Goldsmiths, University of London, 23rd October 2014.
'Laying Foundations: the Independent Filmmakers’ Association and Radical Film Culture Today', Independent States Conference, Edge Hill University, Liverpool, 4-5th September 2014.
Invited Speaker: ‘Success in the Film and Television Industries (SiFTI): Methodology and Initial Findings’, Industrial Approaches to Media: A Methodological Gateway to Industry Studies, University of Nottingham, 5th June 2014
‘A Tale of Two Avant-gardes: Politics, Aesthetics and Political Film Networks’, International Communication Association Annual Conference 2014, Seattle Sheraton, USA, 22nd-26th May 2014
‘Film Festivals, Audiences and Social Change: The Bristol Radical Film Festival 2014’, Radical Readings/Radical Texts: Politics, Spectatorship, and the Moving Image, Canterbury Christchurch University, Kent, 15th March 2014
‘Community Filmmaking, Activism and the UK Radical Film Network’, Community Filmmaking and Cultural Diversity Conference, BFI, London, 22nd-23rd January 2014
‘An Investigation of Affect in Social-Realist Cinema: Spectacle and the Melodramatic Rhetoric in Nil by Mouth’, Film and Media 2013, Institute of Education, London, 27-29th June 2013
‘Activism on the Airwaves: Radical Documentary on Channel 4 in the 1990s’, Channel Four and British Film Culture: 30th Anniversary Conference, BFI, London, 2nd November 2012
‘Reel News: Radical Video-Activists in Britain Today’, Documentary Now!, University College London, 20-21st June 2012
Invited speaker: ‘Film Festivals and Activism’, Liverpool University, Victoria Gallery and Museum, Brownlow Hill, 9th June 2012
Invited speaker: ‘Activist Film: Theory and Practice’, Cultural Activism, Digital Cultures Research Centre seminar, Bristol, 2nd May 2012
Invited speaker: ‘Activism and Film: How Film Can (Help to) Change the World’, InsideFilm Film Education series, BFI, London, 20th April 2012
‘Maintaining a Critical Eye: Oppositional Documentary on Channel 4 in the 1990s’, Re-thinking Cinema and Television History, De Montfort University, Leicester, 3rd April 2012
‘The Contemporary Landscape of Video-Activism in Britain’, Marx at the Movies, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, 16-17th March 2012
Invited speaker: Post-screening Panel Discussion, Chronicle of Protest (Michael Chanan, 2011), The Cube Microplex, Bristol, 27th May 2011
‘“The News You Don’t See on the News”: Undercurrents and Britain’s Video-Activist Movement’, Documentary Now!, University of Westminster, London, 28-30th January 2011
Invited speaker: ‘“Political” Documentary in Britain: Technology, Society and Film’, Plymouth Arts Centre, 30th November 2010
‘Politics, Aesthetics, and Technology: Video and the 1984/85 Miners’ Strike’, British Radical Screens Symposium, Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol, 3rd September 2010
'Sustaining Alternative Film Cultures: Event 1', Liverpool Radical Film Festival, 23rd October 2015.
Bristol Radical Film Festival 2015, 10-11th October 2015.
Bristol International Festival of Cinematography, Arnolfini and Watershed, 16-18th September 2015
New Directions and Film and Television Production Studies: 2-Day Conference, Watershed Cultural Cinema and Digital Creativity Centre, Bristol, 14-15th April 2015
Political Cinema in the 21st Century: Conference, Exhibition and Launch Event for the Radical Film Network, Birmingham City University and Vivid Projects Gallery, Birmingham, 6-8th February 2015
'Aesthetics/Politics/Activism/Art: What is Radical Now?', symposium at Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival, September 21st 2014.
Bristol Radical Film Festival 2014, March 2014
Curator-Producer, Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival, Fringe Programme 2014
Bristol Radical Film Festival 2013, February 2013
British Radical Screens II: An Evening with Rod Stoneman, ‘Early Channel 4: Political Television?’, UWE Bristol, November 2012
Rebels, Radicals and Revolutionaries: Radical Filmmaking Around the World, Summer School, UWE Bristol, June 2012
Bristol Radical Film Festival 2012, February 2012
Bristol Indymedia Film Night (monthly public event), 2010-2014
Venezuela: Myth and Reality: One-Day Symposium, UWE Bristol, October 2009