Hybrid Reality and Culture Activity/Events
30 Nov - 1st Dec 2015
Prof. John Cook represents UWE Bristol at Learning Layers 3rd Annual Review in Luxembourg.
OUTCOME: Feedback from Reviewers at 3rd Annual Review: "Commend consortium for high quality of scientific work, this is the highlight" ... "LAYERS has the potential for huge impact on workplace learning". UWE falls under the category of 'scientific work' (see Hybrid Reality and Culture CMIR page). Detailed consolidated review from 3rd Annual Review arrived 12 January with excellent news for UWE:“The consortium has carried out thorough theoretical … research in order to assist them in answering this ‘how to?’ question … The work of WP 2 and 3 (report 2) is useful and to be commended”. UWE leads on Work Package 2 (WP2)
18th December 2015
CMIR Public Talk: Designing the Participatory Smart City - Fred Garnett, Friday 18th Dec, arr. 5pm, talk 5.30pm-6.30pm, links: Cloudworks site for details link to slides from Talk
29th January
Prof. John Cook invited to give a keynote presentation to a group of PhD students in Budapest. This group is coming together within the frame of the Eduworks Marie-Curie ITN Project, which is an interdisciplinary project to investigate labour market matching processes (www.eduworks-network.eu).
2-5 February
Prof. John Cook represents UWE Bristol at Learning Layers consortium meeting at University of Innsbruck
8th March
CMIR-UWE Innvoation workshop Arnolfini, 4AF012
1-3 April
Give paper at Digital-Cultural Ecology and the Medium-Sized City.
14th April
Prof. John Cook invited to give keynote on Learning Layers and Workplace Learning at staff learning and teaching celebration / digifest Thursday 14th April @ Univerity of Bournmouth. This will be followed by a workshop run by Debbie Holley, Patricia Santos and John Cook.
18-19 April
iCity 2016 - Keynote invitation. We are glad to announce that Prof. John Cook has been invited to give a keynote on Hybrid Reality and Culture at 'ICiTy: Enhancing places through technology' conference April 2016 in Malta see: http://cyberparks-project.eu/news/32-icity-enhancing-places-through-technology.
20-22 June
Bristol Learning Layers Consortium Meeting 20-22 June 2016. Look out for Monday 20th June: 1 day showcase of Learning Layers work to Bristol, West County and Wales (open to wider audience e.g. companies, NHS and HE ~ 50 people) more info
June 27-30,
Ed-media paper delvierd Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
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30 Nov - 1st Dec 2015
Prof. John Cook represents UWE Bristol at Learning Layers 3rd Annual Review in Luxembourg.
OUTCOME: Feedback from Reviewers at 3rd Annual Review: "Commend consortium for high quality of scientific work, this is the highlight" ... "LAYERS has the potential for huge impact on workplace learning". UWE falls under the category of 'scientific work' (see Hybrid Reality and Culture CMIR page). Detailed consolidated review from 3rd Annual Review arrived 12 January with excellent news for UWE:“The consortium has carried out thorough theoretical … research in order to assist them in answering this ‘how to?’ question … The work of WP 2 and 3 (report 2) is useful and to be commended”. UWE leads on Work Package 2 (WP2)
18th December 2015
CMIR Public Talk: Designing the Participatory Smart City - Fred Garnett, Friday 18th Dec, arr. 5pm, talk 5.30pm-6.30pm, links: Cloudworks site for details link to slides from Talk
29th January
Prof. John Cook invited to give a keynote presentation to a group of PhD students in Budapest. This group is coming together within the frame of the Eduworks Marie-Curie ITN Project, which is an interdisciplinary project to investigate labour market matching processes (www.eduworks-network.eu).
2-5 February
Prof. John Cook represents UWE Bristol at Learning Layers consortium meeting at University of Innsbruck
8th March
CMIR-UWE Innvoation workshop Arnolfini, 4AF012
1-3 April
Give paper at Digital-Cultural Ecology and the Medium-Sized City.
- Cook, J. and Lander, R. (2016) Urban regeneration within the zone of possibility in citizen led ‘hybrid cities’. In: Digital-Cultural Ecology and the Medium-Sized City, Bristol, UK, 01-03 April 2016. [In Press] Available from: http://eprints.uwe.ac.uk/27652
14th April
Prof. John Cook invited to give keynote on Learning Layers and Workplace Learning at staff learning and teaching celebration / digifest Thursday 14th April @ Univerity of Bournmouth. This will be followed by a workshop run by Debbie Holley, Patricia Santos and John Cook.
18-19 April
iCity 2016 - Keynote invitation. We are glad to announce that Prof. John Cook has been invited to give a keynote on Hybrid Reality and Culture at 'ICiTy: Enhancing places through technology' conference April 2016 in Malta see: http://cyberparks-project.eu/news/32-icity-enhancing-places-through-technology.
20-22 June
Bristol Learning Layers Consortium Meeting 20-22 June 2016. Look out for Monday 20th June: 1 day showcase of Learning Layers work to Bristol, West County and Wales (open to wider audience e.g. companies, NHS and HE ~ 50 people) more info
June 27-30,
Ed-media paper delvierd Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- Cook, J., Mor, Y., Santos, P., Treasure-Jones, T., Elferink, R. and Kerr, M. (2016) Using the participatory patterns design (PPD) methodology to co-design groupware: Confer a tool for workplace informal learning. In: EdMedia 2016, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 26-30 June 2016. [In Press] Available from: http://eprints.uwe.ac.uk/27653
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