In 2007 Professor Terry Flaxton was appointed an AHRC Senior Research Fellow with a core research question which was: In what ways will the advent of high resolution imaging change the work produced in the convergence of art and visual technologies and consequently, our experience of that work?’ To address the core research question a series of 4 Outputs or 'Practice as Research Portfolios' were created and In Re Ansel Adams was an important moment within his exploration and is now in the permanent collection of the Harris Museum in Preston. Go to AHRC Creative Fellowship
More works on a simple theme - one location, one moment to achieve a work:
Zagorsk - 1992, USSR
One Second to Midnight - UK 2006
In Re Ansel Adams - USA 2008
Autumn Dusk Cafe Scene - Italy, 2008
Les Petites Cartes Postales de Beijing - 2010, China - opposite
Water Table/ The Power of the Sea - 2008/2014, UK & USA
CMIR RWA KWMC Bursary Winners
Below, A BBC documentary on Ansel Adams