On the production and consumption of moving images: An exploration of the experience of emerging digital technologies, 2007-2016
This website contains the materials referred to within the commentary for a Doctorate by Publication by myself, Terry Flaxton, based on over 150 research outputs including journal articles, book chapters, practice as research artefacts, exhibitions and online research resources. As far as possible the text and structure of both website and written commentary submitted to the UWE Research repository mirror each other. If you come across any links that have stopped working please email me at [email protected]
My research investigated the emergence and efficacy of digital moving-image forms between September 2007 and September 2016. The particular boundary of this research is determined by the winning of an AHRC Creative Research Fellowship to investigate the effects of increased resolution in 2007, at a time when film was the primary capture technology for moving images in both film and television. The research period extended through to late 2016 with Dolby Industries introduction of consumer HDR technology which has now aided in establishing Data Cinematography as the primary form of capture and display of contemporary cinema and television. This period speaks about the rise of Digital Cinematography which I was to play a part in introducing. This Commentary itself is written as a chronological yet scaffolded exposition of the research undertaken around the schema of 4 Practice as Research Portfolios which will be explained in the Introduction (this page).
My research investigated the emergence and efficacy of digital moving-image forms between September 2007 and September 2016. The particular boundary of this research is determined by the winning of an AHRC Creative Research Fellowship to investigate the effects of increased resolution in 2007, at a time when film was the primary capture technology for moving images in both film and television. The research period extended through to late 2016 with Dolby Industries introduction of consumer HDR technology which has now aided in establishing Data Cinematography as the primary form of capture and display of contemporary cinema and television. This period speaks about the rise of Digital Cinematography which I was to play a part in introducing. This Commentary itself is written as a chronological yet scaffolded exposition of the research undertaken around the schema of 4 Practice as Research Portfolios which will be explained in the Introduction (this page).
Due to the changes that occurred over the period of the research, the first three portfolios are based within a positivist standpoint, and later the beginnings of a more dialogic approach enabled me to broaden my research framework which would then be evinced in the fourth portfolio. I worked from a listing of outputs with a critical commentary of each of the three portfolios through to an evidentiary record of impact and innovation research patterns in the 4th portfolio - such that the interplay between portfolios 1,2 and 3 and then portfolio 4 would represent a step-change in the research to a developed practice of knowledge exchange which I characterise within knowledge exchange workshops (referred to as Immersive Learning Environments and Advanced Innovation Laboratories).
My part in the transition of the subject area is also my claim for the origination and production of new knowledge between both elements of my research, the evidentiary and the dialogic, but also between academia and industry and this is continuously relevant today.
To obtain access to all written materials please take out a free academia.edu account here and all papers will display.
Having taken out an academia account please look through the description below and then choose your route through this commentary.
My part in the transition of the subject area is also my claim for the origination and production of new knowledge between both elements of my research, the evidentiary and the dialogic, but also between academia and industry and this is continuously relevant today.
To obtain access to all written materials please take out a free academia.edu account here and all papers will display.
Having taken out an academia account please look through the description below and then choose your route through this commentary.
Please use the links in the menu bar above to access the materials for each Research Portfolio in the Home Menu. Each has a small set of drop down menus. Alternatively click the links to the right which diagrammatically represent the structure of this site (with inset's as drop down within the main heading). You can use this site starting at the top then going to the bottom - or simply surf. You'll see in each portfolio (and as drop down menus) the terms 'Key Outputs', 'Critical Commentary' & 'Complete List of Outputs'. - 'Key Outputs' is my attempt to limit the amount of outputs that have to be addressed and to help guide the reader though the work within each particular portfolio. - The Critical Commentary to accompany each portfolio is contained in each of the Portfolio menu areas. - The 'Complete List of Outputs ' is here for the reader to browse through the entire output within each portfolio to grasp the breadth of the research. The Conclusion draws together the argument but also has a drop down menu with 4 chronological sections that are additional to the commentary provided as background context but is not necessary to the argument. "Extra Resources" is an extensive area. This website is designed to deliver the commentary in association with a paper printout of the commentary. If you do not have this please download the commentary as a pdf, either single spaced below or double spaced to the right.
Click 'Download File' below for a Single Spaced version. ![]()
PhD Home (This page - description of Site) . 1. 1. 1 Abstract . 1. 1. 1 Aims of the Commentary and Organisation . 1. 1. 1 Introduction: Practice as Research as an Investigative Tool and Methodology . 1. 1. 1 Prologue: My prior Development as an Industry Practitioner, Artist & Academic Portfolio 1 (Guide with key outputs) . 1. 1. 1 Critical Commentary on Portfolio 1 1. 1. 1 Portfolio 1 Complete List of Outputs 1. 1. Portfolio 2 (Guide with key outputs) . 1. 1. 1 Critical Commentary on Portfolio 2 . 1. 1. 1 Portfolio 2 Complete List of Outputs 1. 1. Portfolio 3 (Guide with key outputs) . 1. 1. 1 Critical Commentary on Portfolio 3 . 1. 1. 1 Portfolio 3 Complete List of Outputs 1. 1. Portfolio 4 (Guide with key outputs) . 1. 1. 1 Critical Commentary on Portfolio 4 . 1. 1. 1 Portfolio 4 Complete List of Outputs 1. 1. Conclusion . 1. 1. 1 Consolidated Bibliography of Works Referred to in the Critical Commentary . 1. 1. 1 Key Propositions From the Research Period . 1. 1. 1 Complete List of Outputs . 1. 1. 1 Extra Resources . 1. 1. 1 1. 1 Context for Research from 1971 forwards . 1. 1. 1 1. 1 Emerging technologies in industry prior to the research period (2007) . 1. 1. 1 1. 1 High Resolution Research 2007 - 2010 . 1. 1. 1 1. 1 Higher Dynamic Range Research 2010 - 2016 Click 'Download File' below for a Double Spaced version.