PhD Information
The Centre for Moving Image Research focused on practice as research within the production and display of moving images in cinema, television and gallery exhibition. CMIR’s research areas are aesthetic, cultural, historical and technological. We asked:
"If you're a PhD candidate we will aid your practice and your delivery. If there are practitioners with New Media requirements but are primarily moving image based we can negotiate with Digital Cultures Research Centre at UWE to co-supervise your work.
We have an increasing number of visiting professors to assist CMIR, such as academic and artist Chris Meigh-Andrews (A History of Video Art); Roberto Schaefer (cinematographer on The Kite Runner and Quantum of Solace), Geoff Boyle (cinematographer and originator of the Cinematography Mailing List).
The expertise of the centre is academic, but it is also artistic - Flaxton, Meigh-Andrews and other academics in the faculty of Arts, Creative Industries and Education are themselves practicing artists with exhibitions in many countries and forward commissions and collaborations. We also have theory focussed academics that you work with. For us it is not enough to make art - art has to be seen and so we recognise that with practice as research PhD's, the work must also be exhibited and its impact measured.
At the same time there is the issue of what is art and what is research. Can research be Art? Can Art be research? Is there a way of thinking through the needs of both activities so that they can stand independently of each other? We have been through this conundrum and come out the other side better for our experiences and we hope to enable and empower candidates and doctoral students.
The production of new knowledge is the clarion call for the academy of which we are a part. But should that behaviour result in incremental research or original research? One can certainly head towards new knowledge through increments of innovation - but originality, the fundamental of the new would be what we at CMIR would encourage our students towards - and there are some simple rules that identify what is in fact innovative and what tends towards originality. We would ask you to consider what you might think these are and in meeting with us and we will discuss these as a basis for future attachments.
CMIR has access to 5 x Red 4k cameras to aid our work, plus 2 x 4 k Ursas and various smaller cameras. Together with BBC Research and Development and the Bristol Vision Institute of University of Bristol, Flaxton helped capture and display the worlds first Higher Dynamic Range, Higher Frame Rate, Higher Resolution 'movie' in April 2013.
With regard high level cinematographic practice as you'll see from people who are working at the centre and with the centre - we are at the epicenter of the debate concerning the production of the digital image. We offer information on the production and display of the moving image that is second to none in the subject area.
CMIR have developed a festival of cinematography for September 2015 (2nd edition September 2016), and Synaesthesia, a Festival of Digital Aesthetics for Spring 2017 - and a the Port Cities Electronic Arts Exchange for September 2019.
Affiliates of CMIR are working artists and practitioners who exhibit their work internationally".
See latest Blog: More Thoughts about Practice as Research
PhD Supervisors
Terry Flaxton RWA, Professor of Cinematography and Lens Based Arts, CMIR, UWE
Andrew Spicer, Professor in Cultural History, UWE
Chris Meigh-Andrews, Visiting and Consultant Professor, CMIR, Emeritus Professor in Electronic and Digital Art, UCLN,
Gillian Swanson, Associate Professor, Director of Research Degrees, UWE
Dr Mark Bould Reader in Film and Literature, UWE
Centre Staff
Terry Flaxton RWA, Professor of Cinematography and Lens Based Arts, Director CMIR, UWE
Dr Steve Presence, Research Associate
Dr Sarah Sparke, Research Associate
Dr Andrew Spicer, Professor in Cultural History, UWE
Dr John Cook, Professor of Learning Innovation
Dr Patricia Santos, Research Associate for Hybrid Reality and Culture
Visiting Professors
Roberto Schaefer ASC, AIC, Visiting Professor
Geoff Boyle, FKBS, Visiting Professor
Affiliate Cinematographers
Ben Smithard BSC
David Stump ASC
PhD Candidates
Adam Laity
Alex Neville
"If you're a PhD candidate we will aid your practice and your delivery. If there are practitioners with New Media requirements but are primarily moving image based we can negotiate with Digital Cultures Research Centre at UWE to co-supervise your work.
We have an increasing number of visiting professors to assist CMIR, such as academic and artist Chris Meigh-Andrews (A History of Video Art); Roberto Schaefer (cinematographer on The Kite Runner and Quantum of Solace), Geoff Boyle (cinematographer and originator of the Cinematography Mailing List).
The expertise of the centre is academic, but it is also artistic - Flaxton, Meigh-Andrews and other academics in the faculty of Arts, Creative Industries and Education are themselves practicing artists with exhibitions in many countries and forward commissions and collaborations. We also have theory focussed academics that you work with. For us it is not enough to make art - art has to be seen and so we recognise that with practice as research PhD's, the work must also be exhibited and its impact measured.
At the same time there is the issue of what is art and what is research. Can research be Art? Can Art be research? Is there a way of thinking through the needs of both activities so that they can stand independently of each other? We have been through this conundrum and come out the other side better for our experiences and we hope to enable and empower candidates and doctoral students.
The production of new knowledge is the clarion call for the academy of which we are a part. But should that behaviour result in incremental research or original research? One can certainly head towards new knowledge through increments of innovation - but originality, the fundamental of the new would be what we at CMIR would encourage our students towards - and there are some simple rules that identify what is in fact innovative and what tends towards originality. We would ask you to consider what you might think these are and in meeting with us and we will discuss these as a basis for future attachments.
CMIR has access to 5 x Red 4k cameras to aid our work, plus 2 x 4 k Ursas and various smaller cameras. Together with BBC Research and Development and the Bristol Vision Institute of University of Bristol, Flaxton helped capture and display the worlds first Higher Dynamic Range, Higher Frame Rate, Higher Resolution 'movie' in April 2013.
With regard high level cinematographic practice as you'll see from people who are working at the centre and with the centre - we are at the epicenter of the debate concerning the production of the digital image. We offer information on the production and display of the moving image that is second to none in the subject area.
CMIR have developed a festival of cinematography for September 2015 (2nd edition September 2016), and Synaesthesia, a Festival of Digital Aesthetics for Spring 2017 - and a the Port Cities Electronic Arts Exchange for September 2019.
Affiliates of CMIR are working artists and practitioners who exhibit their work internationally".
See latest Blog: More Thoughts about Practice as Research
PhD Supervisors
Terry Flaxton RWA, Professor of Cinematography and Lens Based Arts, CMIR, UWE
Andrew Spicer, Professor in Cultural History, UWE
Chris Meigh-Andrews, Visiting and Consultant Professor, CMIR, Emeritus Professor in Electronic and Digital Art, UCLN,
Gillian Swanson, Associate Professor, Director of Research Degrees, UWE
Dr Mark Bould Reader in Film and Literature, UWE
Centre Staff
Terry Flaxton RWA, Professor of Cinematography and Lens Based Arts, Director CMIR, UWE
Dr Steve Presence, Research Associate
Dr Sarah Sparke, Research Associate
Dr Andrew Spicer, Professor in Cultural History, UWE
Dr John Cook, Professor of Learning Innovation
Dr Patricia Santos, Research Associate for Hybrid Reality and Culture
Visiting Professors
Roberto Schaefer ASC, AIC, Visiting Professor
Geoff Boyle, FKBS, Visiting Professor
Affiliate Cinematographers
Ben Smithard BSC
David Stump ASC
PhD Candidates
Adam Laity
Alex Neville