Rik Lander started out as a video artist in the 1980's as half of the Duvet Brothers. The style of this work, Scratch video, greatly resembles what is now known as mash-up. From experimenting in form by literally hacking up the material he moved into non-linear story telling through new media.
After making an experimental interactive documentary on the subject of dimensions (there are 27 of them apparently) with theoretical physicist David Peat, he went on to make interactive internal communications for companies like Microsoft and Unilever. In 2001, he published magic-tree, one of the UK's first web dramas. In 2006 he produced, directed and script edited Wannabes, the BBC's first interactive soap. He has also directed many hours of television from low-rent entertainment like Eurotrash and the Word to high-brow arts documentaries like A History of British Art and the Turner Prize coverage for Channel 4 for four years. He has made a series of interactive installations as well as live interactive participatory experiences. |
The Memory Dealer is an immersive experience where the audience become part of an evolving story that unfolds in real locations around the city. It uses some conventional video as well as an app, interactive installations and encounters with actors. It won the Royal Television Society West Digital Innovation Award 2014. thememorydealer.co.uk/
His installation Watch For MysteryPays funded with a Bursary from CMIR/RWA uses moving images, sensors and computer coding to create the impression of a person trapped inside a one armed bandit. Go to 3 Minutes 13 seconds for Rik Lander's 1984 video, Blue Monday. |