Circumstantial Evidence, 1981 - 20 mins
The newly forming Triple Vision (because there were three of us) were approached by a person who'd found the diaries of their great great grandfather, a vegetarian Piano tuner caqled Arthur Frederick Palmer and asked us to create a documentary on the subject. But it struck us that dramatising the story would be a better way to go (we had after all studied Communication Design and our skill was supposed to be take a bbrief anf utilse the best form for the message - this is all pre-digital. We made the work with a new actress - her first screen role - Gina McKee. Then this work won an award for innovation. At that time you could not create more than one dissolve if you had three machines or two dissolves if you had 4 machines. We managed to create dissolve after dissolve for the entire 20 minutes by cleverly organising our material - if we got it wrong we wnet back to the beginning and started again - in fact we did this in the late afternoon of the first screening at the BFI, Southbank. |
The World Within Us, 1987 - 16 minutes
The World Within us was voiced by Johnathan Pryce and was a set of my poems to new digital imagery - this won prizes at Montbeliard and Locarno. Part one originally prompted by a series of events, seeing Tavernier's Sunday in the Country (about a successful artist who contronts the fact that he'd never been authentic and true to his talent), reading A Glastonbury Romance by John Cowper-Powis and the impending death of a thirty year old friend from cancer... |
Forever, 2003 - 18 minutes 30 seconds
I had always like Clifford Simak's short story The Way Station - so I adapted it and set it in Somerset. A man seems to live forever - there are rumours about him being young in the grandfathers of the locals - why?